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На данный момент я удовлетворен своей работой и от этого авто еще более ценен для меня и максимально исключает появление других похожих проектов и копий. CAtAlytIC pRoCeSSeS neous catalysts are assembled, how they work, and Development: tHe lonG how they can be improved: thanks to research in orga- joURney of An IDeA nometallic chemistry and its techniques and methods Social beneits from research become real through in experimental and theoretical concerns, and thanks the development of an idea from its generation up to to progress in chemical reaction engineering in proc- the industrial implementation, in respect of deontolog- esses using homogeneous catalysts [20]. But this did not prevent the introduction of such limitations into the blueprint for research. Indeed the connections between ideas. В профильном издании "Infectious Diseases" [19] конкретно описываются патологические состояния, заболевания, которые могут наблюдаться у путешественников, вернувшихся из определенного региона мира или страны " Fever in a returned traveler from Kenya or the Congo ", " Skin rashes in a returned traveler from Ecuador ", " Eosinophilia in a returned traveler from West Africa " и др.

Выделяют страны с высоким риском заболевания малярией Западная и Восточная Африка, Океания - от 1,,8 до 41 случая на путешественников и страны с низким уровнем Южная и Центральная Америка, ЮгоВосточная Азия - 0,,1 случай на путешественников [29]. В табл. Первое место среди причин плохого самочувствия в период путешествий в тропические страны по сравнению с поездками в развитые страны у путешественников занимают острые заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта, связанные с диареей.

Степень риска развития диареи путешественников в первую очередь зависит от региона мира, в который совершается поездка. При путешествии в тропические страны в летние месяцы и в период сезонных дождей значительно повышает риск развития кишечной инфекции. Среди продуктов, употребление которых часто приводит к развитию диареи, рассматриваются сырые овощи и нечищеные фрукты, термически необработанные морские продукты моллюски и др.

Достаточно безопасно употребление прохладительных напитков и пива, разлитых в бутылки. В то же время употребление льда, некипяченой воды, непастеризованного молока, мороженного увеличивает риск развития кишечной инфекции. Использование пищевых продуктов, купленных у частных, уличных торговцев, также можно отнести к факторам риска развития диареи. Среди этиологических факторов диареи путешественников рассматриваются различные бактерии, вирусы, простейшие табл.

Наиболее важной причиной развития диареи являются бактерии Escherichia coli, Shigella spp. Среди бактериальных кишечных инфекций, при путешествиях в тропические и развивающиеся страны, высокий удельный вес принадлежит эширихиозам.

Выделяют, в основном, 6 групп серовариантов E. В зависимости от возраста более высокий риск развития диареи установлен у маленьких детей до 2 лет и молодых людей лет. Большое значение имеют определенные сопутствующие заболевания: гастрит с пониженной кислотностью в том числе и постоянный прием ингибиторов протоновой помпы, Н2-рецепторов , иммунодефицитные состояния ВИЧ-инфекция , низкий уровень секреторных антител IgA [16].

В большинстве случаев длительность диареи, плохого самочувствия у больных не превышает дней, симптоматика заболевания быстро регрессирует на фоне проведения часто самостоятельно назначенной патогенетической терапии прием обволакивающих слизистую ЖКТ препаратов, сорбентов, ферментов и др.

Среди постинфекционных осложнений диареи путешественников в последние годы рассматривают такие заболевания как реактивный артрит, синдром Гийена-Барре, постинфекционный синдром раздраженной кишки [13]. Таким образом, приведенные выше данные убедительно подтверждают, что медицина путешественников является важным и актуальным направлением современного здравоохранения и медицинской науки и объединяет усилия врачей, ученых различных специальностей инфекционисты, паразитологи, эпидемиологи, микробиологи, терапевты, кардиологи, гастроэнтерологи, аллергологи и др.

Ларичев В. Adachi J. Arguin P. Approach to the Patient before and after Travel. Basnyat B. Behrens R. North Am. Chapter Bomsztyk M. Calderwood S. Carroll I. Chiodini J. Connor B. Travel Med. Fridman D.

Mandell, John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin. Goldman L. Hill D. Keystone, David O. Freedman et al. Infectious Diseases. Opal, William G. Practice point N International travel and health WHO , [ Электронный ресурс ] www. Jong E. Jong, and Christopher Sanford.

Johnson B. Kollaritsch H. Kozarsky P. Freedman, Phyllis E. Kozarsky et al. Nadjm B. Noble L. Parola P. Pavli A. Pons M. Antimicrobial resistance in Shigella spp. Reyes-Corcho A. Schlagenhauf P. Shah N. Panarin notes that this was not in any way related to the true national renaissance of the Azerbaijani nation but was a mere ideological initiative.

Monuments to the poet were erected in Gyanja and in Baku ; the author of both these works is Fuad Abdurakhmanov. Tamazishvili notes that despite the fact that the conclusion on the national affiliation of the poet was based on a priori assertions rather than on scientific research, this conclusion was still beneficial for the multinational Soviet culture.

Accompanied by the politicised jubilee campaign and to a great extent thanks to this campaign a massive translation, scientific-research and publishing works of political and cultural importance were launched and enhanced in scale. According to Bertels by in the USSR a new science was created — nizamology, and the works written about Nizami within the last decade have "for a number of times exceeded the volume of literature written in Western Europe within a century and a half".

In Bertels made an attempt to break with the ethnic-territorial approach in the Iranian philosophy. This announcement by Bertels immediately made him an object of politicised criticism which accused him in adopting "false standpoints of Western-European orientalists" and bourgeois cosmopolitanism and for diverging from Marxist—Leninist views on the literature of nations of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Bertels tried to defend his stance declaring about the methodological absurdity of classifying writers according to their ethnic or territorial affiliation. In the contemporary literary studies the predominant view is that the 12th-century poet Nizami Ganjavi wrote in Persian and lived in Gyanja , which in those times were predominantly populated by Persians , [65] and was under the influence of Persian culture.

Beyond the boundaries of the former Soviet Union in the biggest national and biographical encyclopaedias of the world Nizami is recognized as a Persian poet while the Azerbaijani version is not even considered. Most leading experts in Persian poetry also hold this view. Scholars of modern history such as T. Swietochowski and A. Altstadt call Nizami a Persian poet and at the same time consider him as an example of synthesis of Turkish and Persian cultures.

Lornejad and A. Doostzadeh was published in the Yerevan volume on Orientalism. Paola Orsatti believes that the book demonstrates the historical inconsistency of attributing Nizami to the Azerbaijani culture.

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Rebecca Ruth Gould notes, that in most of the books on Persian literature published in Azerbaijan the significance of Persian poets born in the territory of the South Caucasus, among them Khaqani Shirvani or Nizami Ganjavi, boils down to the project of enhancing the ethnic prestige.

After the break-up of the Soviet Union some encyclopaedias in Russian language continue to refer to Nizami as an Azerbaijani poet.

In a monument to Nizami was erected in St. Petersburg at the opening ceremony of which the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia were present. In his speech made at the opening ceremony Russian President Vladimir Putin said, "A very happy and solemn event is taking place now — we are unveiling a monument to the prominent son of East, to the prominent son of Azerbaijan — poet and thinker Nizami.

Petersburg State University I. Steblin-Kamensky, speaking of this monument characterises the description of Nizami as an Azerbaijani poet as a fruit of nationalist tendencies and as an "outright falsification".

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Nizami is one of the brightest geniuses not only of the Azerbaijani nation but also of the whole humanity. He is a rare phenomenon in whom all the best genetic qualities have been accumulated — talent, wit, conscience, honour, sagacity and clairvoyance which were always inherent to our nation.

This point of view is predominant in Azerbaijan. In making a speech on the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliev declared that no one in the world doubts about Nizami being an Azerbaijani poet and that this can easily be proved.

The perception of Nizami as a non-Azerbaijani poet Aliev explained by saying that Azerbaijani culture is so rich that other nations make attempts to attribute it to themselves.

In brief, Azerbaijan was in great need of its own history, and in — the Department of History of Azerbaijan was established and a course in the history of Azerbaijan was introduced to the curriculum of the Historical Faculty of the ASU Ibragimov, Tokarzhevsky By that time, both aforementioned Iranian and Armenian factors had been conducive to rapid Azerbaijanization of historical heroes and historical political formations in the territory of Azerbaijan, hi particular, in the year anniversary of Nizami was celebrated, and he was declared a great Azeri poet Istoriia In fact, he was a Persian poet and that was no wonder, since the Persians accounted for the entire urban population in those days Diakonov This was recognized in all the encyclopedias published in Russia before the s, and only in did the Big Soviet Encyclopedia called Nizami a "great Azeri poet" for the first time Cf.

The Azerbaijani delegate insisted that the Persian poet Nizami was actually a classic of Azerbaijani literature because he was a "Turk from Gandzha", and that Mirza Fath Ali Akundov was not a gentry writer, as some proletarian critics has charged but….

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It was up to the central power to solve these kinds of contradiction by arbitrary decisions. In some disciplines — ancient and medieval history, for instance — they had to completely give up studying the inherent features of a civilisation and concentrate all efforts on its formation.

For those specialising in cultural creation studies, it was impossible. But this did not prevent the introduction of such limitations into the blueprint for research. So in studying oriental literature, scholars looked above all for indications of the transformation apparently experienced by the peoples of the East within the socialist context. And as analysis of literary works did not yield sufficiently convincing proof, recourse was made to fortuitous facts of history like the birth place or residence of an author.

With their help even cultural figures who wrote only in Arabic or Persian were claimed by the future Soviet republics. This gave the impression that the greatest and best part of the pre-Soviet heritage of peoples once part of the same civilisation but recently divided by the magic line of the Soviet borders was created within the future USSR.

And this was not the result of a national awakening among the Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks or Tajiks, but of an initiative by the ideological authorities. Many scholars began to examine the political situation as well as the processes of social modernisation and economic growth in the developing nations of the East.

Here are primary arguments from L. He reflected the aspirations of the people of Azerbaijan. He foresaw a brilliant future for the USSR. Because he predicted this not as a stranger, but as an Azerbaijani, he was doubly great. The authors discuss, with critical accuracy, the arguments put forward by Soviet scholars, and more recently by scholars from the Republic of Azerbaijan, which term Nezami as an "Azerbaijani poet" and his work as pertaining to an alleged "Azerbaijani literature;" and show the historic unsoundness of such theses.

Nezami Ganjavi is one of the most famous Iranian poets of the classical period. He was born to native Iranian parents in the city of Ganja, which is now located in Azerbaijan Republic. Nezami is famous for his five monumental books of narrative poems collectively known as Panj-ganj or "Five Treasures", all considered Persian masterpieces. He also wrote a number of Persian lyric poems.

That is until recently.

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Amazingly, the Iranian authorities seem to not have even noticed this distortion of history. This was done to distance the Turkic groups from Islam, as well as to instill in them the pride in a glorious, albeit fictional, national identity by claiming the Persian or Byzantine heritage as their own.

Hence, the great Persian poet Nezami became the national poet of Azerbaijan; the medieval Persian poets and thinkers of Central Asia, such as Rudaki, became the national poets and philosophers of Uzbekistan, while Rumi was transformed into a great Turkish mystic poet. On the one hand, the role of Turkic language in the consolidation of the local population was also recognized, but, on the other hand, biological, cultural and historical continuity, rooted in the very remote local past, was emphasized.

This seemed sufficient to the author, who did not go deeper into the issue of the formation of the Azeri people Istoriia The paragraph on the "great Azeri poet" was supplemented by a portrait of Nizami Ganjevi, drawn by the artist, G. Khalykov, in the s. The fact that numerous quatrains of some poets e. Contents move to sidebar hide.

Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, Низами писал и творил на фарси, у него нет ни одного произведения на азербайджанском языке».

Rewriting Histories. Sheila Fitzpatrick. Routledge, ISBN X. Bert G. Tauris, ISBN Russia and Her Colonies. Archon Books, , с. Diakonoff Книга воспоминаний memoir — СПб. Послесловие [к публикации доклада Б. Заходера «Е. Tamazishvili, A. Ithaca Press GB. Vitaly Naumkin Editor.

Edited by Victoria Arakelova. Bertels, I. Stalin i drugie", ed. Romanova, I. Smiljanskaja eds. Petersburg: Literature of the Azerbaijani Tatars. Tbilisi , p. Низами и его изучение. Очевидно, взята эта догадка из Кочарлинского, который привел дилетантское соображение Шерра, что, если отец Низами, был пришлый человек из Кума, то его мать была гянджинка родом, "гянджяли бир гыз" т.

Paфили от повторения несостоятельной гипотезы Шерра и Кочарлинского ». Translation: Another mistake is the note of the author p. Rafili against repeating an unsupported hypothesis.

Stalin i drugie" : « Главным, революционным для отечественной науки результатом этой кампании стало отнесение Низами к поэтам азербайджанским, а его творчества к достижениям азербайджанской литературы, в то время как в мировом востоковедении а ранее и в советском доминировал взгляд на него как представителя литературы персидской » translation: "Main, revolutionary result of this campaign for our native scholarship became attributing Nezami as an Azerbaijani poet, and his works as achievements of the Azerbaijani literature, while in the realm of the world Oriental Studies and prior to this in the Soviet as well , the viewpoint of him as a representative of Persian literature".

Марр еще в г. Конечно, "свой для Азербайджана" — это не то же, что "азербайджанский", но в середине г. Марр был единственным из советских востоковедов, на чьи исследования могли опереться сторонники взгляда на Низами как поэта азербайджанского » translation: " Back in , Yu. Marr asserted that "Nezami is its own for Caucasus, especially for the ethnic group that has kept the Persian tradition in its literature until recently, i. Том 2, часть 2.

Москва, Cambridge University Press. Mazda Publishers, Olma Media Group. Поэты Азербайджана на русском языке. Антология азербайджанской поэзии на русском языке.

Поэзия азербайджанского народа. Научная работа в Азербайджане. Исторический обзор. Ещё во время феодального бесправия он родил таких крупнейших художников, как Низами, Хакани, Физули. Они были пламенными патриотами своего народа, поборниками свободы и независимости своей страны » translation: However, despite all the prohibitions, persecutions and harassments the Azerbaijani nation managed to bring forward those who could portray its turbulent, courageous and furious soul.

Early in the epoch of feudal lawlessness the Azerbaijani nation gave birth to such great artists as Nizami, Khakani and Fizuli. They were passionate patriots of their nation and champions of the independence of their country.

Торжество азербайджанского искусства. Гениальный азербайджанский поэт Низами. Архив РАН. Cited from: Tamazishvili, A. Письмо бакинской интеллигенции товарищу Сталину. Литературный Азербайджан. Заключительное слово. Материалы научной конференции посвящённой жизни и творчеству поэта июня г. Баку, , с. Но великий гений трудящихся, наш отец и вождь товарищ Сталин вернул азербайджанскому народу его величайшего поэта Низами » translation: "The sneaky enemies of the nation, nationalist-Mousavatists, panturkists and other betrayers wanted to steal Nizami from his nation for the sole reason that he wrote most of his works in the Iranian language.

But the great genius of the working people, our father and leader comrade Stalin returned to the Azerbaijani nation its greatest poet Nizami". Садых А. Вургун Самед. Доклад на вечере в Военно-политической академии им. Soviet and Russian Scholarship on Iran.


In theory Soviet and Iranian Azerbaijan fall into separate categories, with the northern part belonging to the domain of Soviet history while the southern part belongs to the domain of the Orientalists. However in practice the lines blur. Thus the twelfth-century poet Nezami, who was born in what is now Soviet Azerbaijan and wrote in Persian, is studied as a great Azerbaijani writer.

Humanistiske forskningscenter. Museum Tusculanum Press, As early as In vol. This is clearly justified in the case of Armenia and Georgia, while it is rather more problematic to separate a special Azerbaijan literature from Persian literature. The 12th-century poet Nizami, usually considered one of the great Persian classics, Is In IVL an Azerbaijan poet, since he lived in a town now within the territory of the Soviet republic of Azerbaijan.

Persian literature is called Persian-Tajik, thus anticipating the Soviet republic Tajikistan. Великий азербайджанский поэт Низами. Баку, До сих пор под персидской литературой обычно понимают все, что написано на персидском языке, вне зависимости от того, где и в каких условиях эта литература сложилась. Однако, такое перенесение понятия XX в.

Up until now all that was written in Persian language, irrespective of the place and circumstances of its creation, was considered as Persian literature. Besides, this whole intricate complex of literature is attributed to Iran, the latter being defined as the political entity which carries this name in the given time period. However, the transfer of this concept of the 20th century back for thousand years is of course a big methodological mistake. Persian literature was formed not only on the territory of contemporary Iran but dozens of different nations also contributed to its creation.

Древняя азербайджанская литература. Низами относился с большим уважением к своему азербайджанскому происхождению, был полон глубокой любви к своему народу, для него слово "тюрок" несовместимо со злом, жестокостью, несправедливостью.

Могущество тюркских племен, их возвышение, он видит только в их гуманности в справедливости… ». Луговского и Самеда Вургуна. Антология азербайджанской поэзии. Авторы предисловия Араслы Г. На это имеются ясные намеки в начале поэмы, где Низами объясняет причины создания им "Лейли и Меджнун".

Низами рассказывает здесь о том, как его желанию помешало появление посланца шаха с письмом, в котором он требовал от поэта создания новой поэмы, поставив условием — писать ее только на фарсидском языке. Научно-исследовательская литература о жизни и творчестве Низами. Nizami Ganjavi. Автор раздела — И.

Анчабадзе ведущий научный сотрудник Института истории и этнологии АН Грузии. Краткий исторический очерк «Вайнахи». Институт Истории.

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